Monday, April 1, 2013

L's Scroll Saw Obsession

L has been asking for months if we could get a scroll saw. Gary didn't have a huge need so we held off. Gary still doesn't have a need, but we thought L would really like it. And he has. We've only had it a few weeks and he has turned out almost 30 animals. At first, he needed help from Daddy. He got frustrated and didn't think he could do it. But after a few animals, he went solo and is now much better than Daddy (Daddy hasn't had a chance to practice like L.) What he turns out is pretty amazing, especially for a 6 year old. He's even sold 9 of them now, so he can save for his new bike. He was ecstatic when he made his first sale (and he was excited for his 2nd and 3rd sale too.)

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